DEM Training for Liggghts


The training is helt in a Online-Webinar consisting of three modules. The training content will include a fundamental understanding of the DEM and the necessary steps required to perform physical correct simulations. The training will cover the complete workflow of a simulation project as well as the state of the art bulk material calibration.

The DEM Training will be performed as a webinar. The three modules will cover the basic steps which need to be performed to do a reliable and verified simulation using the discrete element method. The modules are divided by their topic. Each module will contain a 90 min presentation and a 30 min discussion and questions. The modules may be performed on different days, to give the attendees time to try out the new gained knowlege.

After the training the attendees will be able to perform simulations with physically correct parameters which show a very high congruence to real life experiments. It is recommended to have a Liggghts installation ready for personal usage during modules two and three.

Price: 790 €


Module: DEM basics

During the first module the basics of the DEM including the mathematical background will be explained. This module is important to gain a better understanding of the processes during the computation of a discrete particle problem. This will give the attendees the chance to understand possible modeling errors and computational problems.

 The module includes:

  • Field of usage of DEM
  • Overview about possible projects which can be solved by using DEM
  • General description of bulk material and laboratory testing
  • Brief mathematical background of the DEM
  • Modelling approaches like “coarse graining” and other simplifications
  • Introduction into the necessity of calibration of bulk material
  • Verification and validation by measurements in industrial size
DEM Contact between Particles

Module: Software training in Liggghts

The second module gives the attendees the chance to see how the basics from module one are used to do a simulation of a belt conveyor loading free flowing bulk material into a hopper. The input script will be handed over to the attendees. The module includes the following functions of the DEM-software Liggghts.

DEM Simulation in Liggghts

 The module includes:

  • Basic modelling strategy
  • Liggghts input script of a belt conveyor charging material into a hopper
  • Insert commands and particle distribution
  • Friction values between particles and particle wall contacts
  • Surface velocity and rotating objects
  • Writing and post processing of result data

Module: Calibration

The third module will focus on the measurement and calibration of bulk material properties. Therefore, a calibration of a sample of bulk material will be shown. The laboratory experiments for the calibration will be presented and a Liggghts script for a basic calibration using the “angle of repose” will be explained.

 The module includes:

  • Measurement of:
    • density
    • grain size distribution
    • wall friction (two methods)
    • angle of repose
    • draw down
  • calibration procedure in any software
  • calibration in Liggghts with the angle of repose
Angle of Repose for different friction values